Proto Thema M Magazine
Aimilios Kypriotis [2018].

Proto Thema M Magazine

Specializasion at work leads to a higher level of craftsmanship. It doesn’t matter what others think, choose what makes you happy; do it thoroughly and as often as you please. And as Aristotle said, ” We are what we repeatedly do.’ Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Six young award-winning baristi photographed in their workplace.

These images were published in M Magazine of the newspaper Proto Thema (nationwide circulation) in 2018.

Proto Thema M Magazine
Manos Mamakis [2018].
Proto Thema M Magazine
Natasa Dimitriadou [2018].
Proto Thema M Magazine
Michalis Katsiavos [2018].
Proto Thema M Magazine
Stathis Koremtas [2018].
Proto Thema M Magazine
Michalis Kargiannis [2018].

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