Vice Greece
Article / Photo-reportage: Gay Anniversary live at Exarcheia [2014].

Vice Greece

Athens, but not the one you’d find in a travel brochure. This is a production line of artistic expressions, operating non-stop in a parallel social universe. Stories of charismatic individuals interacting with an ever-evolving city through their art.

The images and articles in this section were published on Vice Greece between the years 2014 to 2017.

Vice Greece
Interview / Photo-reportage: The gig cowboy [2014].
Vice Greece
Article / Photo-reportage: Punk rock gig at the National Technical University of Athens [Exarcheia dist. 2014].
Vice Greece
Article / Photo-reportage: Kendoka at a Japanese martial arts demonstration in Athens [2017].
Vice Greece
Article / Photo-reportage: Rollerblades private party in Athens [2014].
Vice Greece
Interview / Photo-reportage: Photographer Anna Pantelia [2014].
Vice Greece
Interview / Photo-reportage: Acid Baby Jesus [2014].

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